Updates For Los Angeles Residents

Learn how the quality of life will improve in neighborhoods around LA.

Welcome to The Los Angeles Newsletter!

In today’s edition:

  • Plans on improving quality of life in neighborhoods around LA

  • Latest updates on the Chargers

  • How LA will no longer be the top filming location

  • And more…

The Best Links

📈 News

L.A. City Attorney Hydee Feldstein Soto announced Tuesday a new legal division within her office dedicated to improving the quality of life in neighborhoods across the city. (link)

💰 Sports

The Chargers traded cornerback J.C. Jackson back to the New England Patriots on Wednesday, according to multiple reports. (link)

👀 Business

Technology capable of sucking mass amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere has been dubbed the silver bullet for greenhouse-emission reduction. (link)

📰 The Rest

The greater Los Angeles area continues to be the top filming location in the United States for scripted entertainment content, but it’s being outpaced by growth in competing locations, according to a report released Tuesday. (link)

Los Angeles City Councilman John Lee is facing accusations Tuesday from the city Ethics Commission of violating “governmental ethics laws” by accepting and failing to report excessive gifts, including some received during a trip to Las Vegas in 2017. (link)

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That’s all for today!

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  1. Work with my local marketing agency (link)

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